Olivers Travels Reviews

olivers travels


Use this holiday rental site?

You will experience property negligence & receive no help from their support.

Read their terms & conditions!

They hide behind get-out clauses as an excuse to provide terrible service.

Reasons to not use Olivers Travels

They state these are "false statements" - Then why do we have evidence for each one???

Oliver's travels will happily rent out villas that are in dire need of maintenance

Olivers Travels will not help in any way if you experience poor quality accomodation

Olivers Travels use fake 5-star reviews to hide the mass of 1 star reviews

Olivers Travels will avoid any of their onsite communications until the end of your stay to avoid dealing with issues

Reasons to use Olivers Travels

None we could find! You can find cheaper offers pretty much everywhere else & know that the accomdation you are going to is up to standard .

This review has been conducted after extensive research & experience with the company itself. Users wishing to add a review can reach out at support@oliverstravels.uk while this site is under construction.